Legal Terms

What is an injunction?

An injunction is a court order that requires someone to stop doing a particular action or to do a specific act, aimed at preventing harm or resolving a legal dispute.

Normal people might use the phrase "court order" instead of "injunction"

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What does injunction mean in legal documents?

An injunction is like a court-issued command that tells a person or a company to do something or, more often, to stop doing something. Imagine your neighbor plays their music too loud late at night, and it keeps you awake. You've asked them to stop, but they won't listen. If you go to court and the court agrees with you, they can issue an injunction to order your neighbor to stop playing loud music at night. This is not just a friendly request; it's a powerful legal tool. If your neighbor ignores the injunction, they can face serious consequences, like fines or even jail time.

Injunctions are used when there's an urgent situation that needs immediate action to prevent harm. They are not used for small issues. For example, if a company is polluting a river and it's harming the people who live nearby, the court can use an injunction to order the company to stop polluting right away. This helps prevent the problem from getting worse while the court figures out a more permanent solution. It's a way of pressing the pause button on actions that can cause irreparable damage.

There are different kinds of injunctions. A "temporary restraining order" is an emergency injunction that can be put in place very quickly, sometimes without the other side even being there, but it only lasts for a short time. A "preliminary injunction" can be given after a more careful look at the situation, but before the full trial happens. This lasts longer than a temporary restraining order, but it's still not permanent. Then there's a "permanent injunction," which is given after a full trial and is meant to last indefinitely. It's the court's way of saying the action must be stopped for good.

What are some examples of injunction in legal contracts?

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